Hollaender Mfg. Co.

Aluminum Handrails

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Speed-Rail® Quik Connect™ kits are a 100% aluminum wire mesh modular railing system that incorporates Speed-Rail® slip-on fittings, providing unrivaled railing strength with easy assembly and installation. Available in 9 simple configurations.

Speed-Rail® Quik Connect™ Aluminum Handrail Features and Benefits Include:

  • "Kit of Parts" design allows for on-site assembly

  • Rails constructed from 1-1/2 inch Schedule 40 Anodized Aluminum (1.9 inch O.D.)

  • Posts constructed from 1-1/2 inch Schedule 80 Anodized Aluminum (1.9 inch O.D.)

  • Anodized aluminum pipe and aluminum magnesium fittings are extremely corrosion resistant, allowing for the lowest long-term maintenance cost

  • Aluminum wire mesh panels are 2-inch square providing both strength and visibility. Panels are constructed from:

- 3/16 diameter Aluminum Lock Crimp Wire Mesh

- 1/8" Aluminum U-Channel with Mitered and Welded Corners 

- Integrated Weep Holes to prevent moisture accumulation

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Interna-Rail® aluminum handrail systems are sleek, strong and durable.  In-line fittings make this aluminum handrail system easy-to-install, and produce a striking architectural appearance. The offset panel attachment provides an uninterrupted infill panel railing system allowing the architect to feature their panel design as the focal point.

Interna-Rail Aluminum Handrail Features and Benefits Include:

  • In-line fittings provide easy installation

  • Offers a smooth architectural appearance

  • Fitting-based system allows some reconfiguration options on site

  • Shipped in pre-fabricated sections of 10 – 24 feet, easily installed by non-specialized labor

  • Extremely non-corrosive and low maintenance when compared to steel handrails

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Hollaender's VUE™ railing for glass and acrylic infill panels offers what architects and owners the two most desirable features:

  • Transparency

  • Visibility

The VUE™ handrail system is a post mounted glass system where the glass panels are held at the posts, not the top and bottom rails. This minimizes the number of horizontal rails in the system which maximizes visibility.

Unlike most post-captured glass railing systems on the market, this railing frame is made of anodized aluminum, not stainless steel, resulting in much lower cost-per-foot. Additional cost savings are created due to the fact that no holes are required in the glass as all glass panels are supported at the bottom.

In addition, the VUE system, which uses 3/8" glass, is also less costly compared to shoe mounted structural glass, which must use ½" glass to meet codes.

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The QUAD™ railing system is a rectangular post mounted glass system where the glass panels are captured and held at the posts, rather than being mounted at the top and bottom rails as in other systems. This minimizes the number of horizontal rails in the system to allow for maximum visibility. The rectangular posts provide clean lines throughout the system and can be integrated with a grabrail. The QUAD™ railing system is available in both aluminum and stainless steel. The aluminum system provides the ultimate selection in finishes, as the aluminum can have an anodized finish; as well as a powder coated finish.

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VISION™ railing system is available in both aluminum and stainless steel. The VISION system is designed with “in-line" clips that support the infill panel. Although the standard infill is glass, metal infills in stainless steel are available in wire mesh and perforated designs, with 304 SS as standard or 316 SS as an option. Acrylic and other custom infill materials are also available. Glass or other infill panels are retained by 4 rounded panel clips. Glass panels will have holes for the bottom 2 clips. Glass infill is available in 3/8" monolithic or 7/16" laminated glass.  Assist rails in aluminum and stainless steel are available for stairs or for level railing as on option.

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Hollaender produces ADA compliant handrails, wall rails, and assist rails. Our aluminum component-based (non-welded) handrail systems are made of corrosion resistant aluminum and are easy-to-install. Railings can be shipped as either kits (less engineering and faster lead time) or as fully engineered and fabricated systems.  Handrail systems are available in clear, dark bronze, or black anodized finish. Aluminum component systems typically have a lower cost per linear foot than stainless steel systems.

All railings meet IBC and ADA codes, with 1 ½" IPS heavy wall posts and 1 ¼" or 1 ½" IPS assist rails. If UFAS approval is required, 1" IPS assist rails can be used.

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Speed-Rail® Quik Connect™ kits are a 100% aluminum wire mesh modular railing system that incorporates Speed-Rail® slip-on fittings, providing unrivaled railing strength with easy assembly and installation. Available in 9 simple configurations.

Speed-Rail® Quik Connect™ Aluminum Handrail Features and Benefits Include:

  • "Kit of Parts" design allows for on-site assembly

  • Rails constructed from 1-1/2 inch Schedule 40 Anodized Aluminum (1.9 inch O.D.)

  • Posts constructed from 1-1/2 inch Schedule 80 Anodized Aluminum (1.9 inch O.D.)

  • Anodized aluminum pipe and aluminum magnesium fittings are extremely corrosion resistant, allowing for the lowest long-term maintenance cost

  • Aluminum wire mesh panels are 2-inch square providing both strength and visibility. Panels are constructed from:

- 3/16 diameter Aluminum Lock Crimp Wire Mesh

- 1/8" Aluminum U-Channel with Mitered and Welded Corners 

- Integrated Weep Holes to prevent moisture accumulation

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Our Speed-Rail® railing systems look great, is easy-to-install, and is made of the most corrosive resistant aluminum alloy available on the market.  Unlike welded alternatives, our railing systems are easy to install with no special expertise needed, and are very easy to reconfigure on-the-fly.

Speed-Rail® Hand Railing Systems - Features and Benefits

  • "Kit of Parts" design allows for on-site assembly, easy to reconfigure when drawings do not match site

  • Unique "Industrial Chic" look is ideal for urban or industrial aesthetic

  • Easy-to-install with no special expertise required

  • Anodized aluminum pipe and aluminum magnesium fittings are extremely corrosion resistant, allowing for the lowest long-term maintenance cost

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Hollaender's KLEAR™ railing system for glass offers architects and owners another option when specifying or designing glass railing systems. They provide two very desirable features:

  • Transparency

  • Visibility

This system uses the glass infill up to the 42" height requirement and does not have a top cap on the glass: The glass is held at the post—not top and bottom—thus minimizing the number of horizontal rails in the system and maximizing visibility.

Posts are attached with a grab rail or handrail at 36" above the walking surface on level, ramp, and stair railings.

While maintaining structural integrity, this glass railing with no top cap provides more visibility than competitive railing systems.

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Post and Wall Mounted Handrail Gallery  


Westfield, Indiana


krM Architecture


Post and Wall Mounted HandrailStructural Glass RailingInterna-Rail®



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Waynesville, Ohio


LWC Incorporated


KLEAR™QUAD™ADA Compliant HandrailGlassPost and Wall Mounted Handrail




Dark Bronze Anodized Railing Combination with Clear Tempered Glass Infill Panels and Grab Rail

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Fishers, Indiana


Browning Day


Interna-Rail®VUE™QUAD™Button Glass RailingADA Compliant HandrailPost and Wall Mounted HandrailSmoke Baffles



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Greenwood, Indiana


Fanning Howey/Lancer+Beebe


VUE™Interna-Rail®Post and Wall Mounted HandrailADA Compliant Handrail


Wire MeshPicketGlass


Clear anodized picket railing, red powder coated wire mesh railing and clear glass railing

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Iluminated Aluminum Railing System  

Hollaender's new Interna-Light™ illuminated aluminum railing system uses LED fixtures (LEDpod™) to produce point source lighting that meets decorative or IBC egress lighting codes, as required in all states. PE stamped calcs and/or drawings available at an additional charge.

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Projects Incorporating Interna-Light™ Railings  


Columbus, Ohio


Bernardi + Partners






Grey powder coat finish railing with 3/8" thick tempered glass

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Atlanta, Georgia




Interna-Rail®Interna-Light™Post and Wall Mounted Handrail


Wire Mesh


Illuminated railing with clear anodized finish frame with e-coated and powder coated 2x2" steel wire mesh infill

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Omaha, Nebraska


El Dorado Architects


Post and Wall Mounted HandrailADA Compliant HandrailInterna-Light™


Stainless steel handrail with LED Pod lighting

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Structural Glass  

The structural glass railing has an extruded aluminum shoe that is encased with cladding that can be either stainless steel or aluminum. Top caps or rails are available in round and U-channel forms in materials and finishes that match the cladding as well as the assist rail. Wood is a popular option.

• Cladding can be stainless steel or coated aluminum.
• Top rails, caps and assist rails are available in stainless steel, aluminum and wood, in a variety of different shapes and profiles.
• Glass can be monolithic or laminated, clear or tinted in a variety of shades, ½" to ¾" thick.

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Button Glass Railing is an engineered railing system designed for side mounting to adequate structural mounting surface giving the impression of a “glass wall".

The glass railing, typically 42 inches high above the walking surface, is point or button mounted to stringer on level or stairs. Since the actual height of the glass above the button mounts is in the order of 48 to 52 inches, the glass must be structurally sound enough to meet code and be “comfortably safe". Due to the height, glass is either ¾" thick in monolithic or 13/16" thick in either PVB or SGP laminated.

Buttons are typically 7 inches apart in the vertical orientation, so stringers or mounting surfaces must be adequately sized to take this dimension.

The glass railing comes with stainless steel assist rail for stairs, and can have a variety of top caps, as well as using the top of the glass with no cap as an option.

Please refer to our standard details to determine suggested mounting surface dimensions.

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Smoke baffles can be mounted directly to the ceiling or may be concealed behind the ceiling. In either case, installation is easy and cladding can be selected to match the surrounding aesthetic.

Our smoke baffles are engineered to meet the National Fire Protection Association's (NFPA) standard for installation of sprinkler systems (Chapter 13) as well as IBC 2012/712.1.3.1 Fire and Smoke Protection Features. 

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Infill Panels  

Wire mesh infill panels are available in the following specifications:

  • carbon steel that is e-coated and powder coated

  • powder coated aluminum

  • stainless steel that is hem polished to you specification

Steel Wire Mesh Infill Panels

Our welded wire mesh infill panels are constructed from .120" diameter steel wire and every second wire is welded within the steel hem. Our hems are constructed from 11-gauge steel. To ensure that all water is evacuated from the system, the bottom hem is left completely open.

The load carrying strength of wire mesh infill panels cannot be calculated, therefore, we test the complete panel design on our testing rig to ensure it passes all appropriate building codes.

For outdoor use, our wire mesh infill panels are electro-coated and also powder coated to our standard color or to architect's specifications.

Standard Selection

  • 2" x 2" Square


  • 4" x 4" Square

  • 1" x 1" Square

Rectangular Wire Mesh (various patterns)

  • 2" x 1" Rectangular

  • 1" x 3" Rectangular

  • 2" x 4" Rectangular

Aluminum Woven Wire Mesh Infill Panels for Corrosive Environments

We can make aluminum wire mesh panels, which are great for highly corrosive environments, such along the coastlines. Aluminum wire mesh must be a larger gauge than steel to meet the 50 lb. on 1 sq. ft. loading requirement. Panels cannot be anodized, since the weld marks at the corners have a different shade post anodizing than the rest of the panel and U channel. We specify .250" diameter wire with 11 gauge hems In order to meet the loading requirements.

Since aluminum is often required in Florida, it is often also specified with AAMA 2605 coatings, which are great at retaining gloss and color. Hollaender can provide Kynar coatings that meet these specifications.

In settings that do not have “high sun exposure" applications, AAMA 2604, powder coat is generally satisfactory.

Stainless Steel Infill Panels

Stainless steel infill panels are available in 304 and 316 SS. Since 316 is extremely expensive, we recommend 304 SS as an alternative. The panel construction is similar to carbon steel with .120" OD mesh, 11 gauge hems with every second wire welded to the hem.

The major difference is in coating where stainless steel hems are polished to the desired specification, with our standard recommendation being #4 satin polish. Brighter finishes are also available.

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Our perforated infill panels are available in a wide variety of patterns. They are constructed of carbon steel that is e-coated and powder coated or powder coated aluminum.

Steel Perforated Infill Panels – Hemmed with U-Channel

These perforated infill panels are available for level or raked (stair) applications and are manufactured using a hem or U channel. All panels are 14 gauge steel, held within an 11 gauge steel hem. Three holes are drilled in the bottom hem to allow water to quickly drain.

Standard Selection — Round Hole Patterns 

  • 1/2" Round on 11/16" Staggered Centers 1/4" Round on 5/16" Staggered Centers

  • 3/4" Round on 1" Staggered Centers 1/4" Round on 3/8" Staggered Centers

Standard Selection — Square Hole Patterns 

  • 1/2" Square on 11/16" Straight Row 

No Frame Steel Perforated Infill Panels – No U Channel

This is our most cost-effective infill panel system. The cost is reduced by eliminating the fabricated frame (also called hem or U channel) around the outside edge of the panel.

This option is only available in level sections.

Standard selection 

  • ½" Round on 11/16" Staggered Centers, 11 gauge steel

  • ¼" Round on 11/16" Staggered Centers, 11 gauge steel


  • Different hole sizes and stagger patterns are available on special order at an added cost

  • Maximum amount of open area is 50%

  • ¾" Holes on 1" Staggered Centers, 11 gauge steel

Aluminum Perforated Infill Panels – Hemmed with U-Channel

Aluminum perforated panels are available in the same hole patterns as steel, but the material is thicker. They are .125" thick, with 11 gauge hems.

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Glass infill and balustrade panels are available in the configurations that meet IBC and state building codes. Tempered monolithic glass that is 3/8" thick is the standard used in our post and rail captured glass systems. – Interna-RailVUEKLEAR and Speed-Rail.

Structural glass and button rail systems standard is ½" thick tempered monolithic glass.

Laminated tempered glass is required by some codes and jurisdictions. Let us know if this is required for your project.

Laminated glass with an interlayer of either PVB or SGP (Sentry) is available in overall nominal thicknesses of ½", 7/16", 11/16", 13/16" and 11/16". PVB is generally acceptable for interior applications while SGP (Sentry Glass) is generally recommended for exterior applications.

Thickness of the glass will depend on the specific railing design, and we will ensure it meets building codes.

Various colors are available - clear, tinted in bronze or grey, frosted on one or both sides, etc. “Art glass" with individual patterns that cross several lites of glass is also available.

Hollaender offers delegated design services, assuring the architect and owner that the railing will be properly attached to the mounting substrate and that the railing will meet building codes.

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Our component picket railing system uses mechanical connectors that are specially machined to attach the pickets securely to the top and bottom rails. These connectors prevent any turning or slippage of the pickets which is a common problem systems of lessor quality. Our system keeps the pickets very secure without welding, there are no unsightly welding marks.

When used with Speed-Rail® or Interna-Rail® frames, our picket railing system is a very cost effective and aesthetically pleasing solution for any building project.

Aluminum pickets are ¾" Schedule 10, and railing is available in mill, anodized, or TGIC Polyester powder coat finishes.

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Resin panels - commonly called plastic - are available in two general chemical compositions. In general, acrylic panels are more rigid, but do not have as high a fire rating as PETG (polyethylene) infill panels.

PETG has a Class A fire rating and is less rigid than acrylic. Both are more expensive than glass, but will meet structural loading as long as the thickness is at least 3/8" and as long as they are properly captured at post or rail.

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Hollaender is now offering X-TEND® cable mesh as an infill panel material option. This 316 stainless steel mesh is available in 1.5 mm or 2.0 mm diameter cable to form an infill that looks like netting.

The material is “sewn" to the four sides of the infill panel frame forming a robust infill panel that meets code with the very open appearance of netting. X-TEND® 316 stainless steel cable mesh, when combined with Hollaender's aluminum railing frame, provides a maintenance and corrosion resistant railing system for the most difficult interior and exterior applications.

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Project Gallery  

Hollaender® railing systems are installed in every geographic region of the U.S. and in a variety of applications. We have a long history of supplying railing systems to such demanding industrial and military customers such as NASA, United States Army Corps of Engineers, and Bechtel. Our customers can be sure that our handrail systems will stand up over time in every architectural application and produce the lowest long term installed cost.

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