Orenco Systems, Inc.

Wastewater Technologies

814 Airway Ave.
Sutherlin, OR 97479
Toll Free: 800-348-9843
Phone: 541-459-4449
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A Portable, Fully-Plumbed Wastewater Treatment System
For more than a decade, Orenco's AdvanTex® technology has provided a reliable, energy-efficient alternative for wastewater treatment in some of the world's most remote places. The AdvanTex AX-Mobile is Orenco's most portable treatment plant yet. Think of it as a "mini" onsite treatment facility, ready to go wherever you need it.
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Whether you need decentralized wastewater/greywater collection & treatment systems, fiberglass composite buildings, electrical controls, or all of the above, Orenco has your answer.

We've researched, designed, and manufactured leading-edge decentralized and onsite wastewater treatment technologies since 1981. Our solutions include advanced secondary treatment systems, in-tank pumping and filtration systems, community collection systems (Orenco Sewers™), fiberglass composite buildings, and electrical controls.

Flagship products include AdvanTex® Treatment Systems for both commercial & residential markets, coupled with VeriComm® and TCOM remote telemetry systems for round-the-clock monitoring and control, and DuraFiber FRP composite buildings, structures, and wet wells. Headquartered in Oregon, Orenco sells its products through about 300 points of distribution, and its technologies have been installed all over the world.

CEU Webinars  

Orenco offers free CEU/PDH credits for a variety of topics. You can take as many courses as you like.


Click this link  to view upcoming live webinars. You can find recorded webinars using the “Webinars on Demand” link in the “Resources” section of the page.


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Orenco offers a variety of training courses for contractors, designers, service providers, and regulators. Our Training Department presents webinars and live workshops at our corporate headquarters in Sutherlin, Oregon, as well as through our Distributors. Many of these courses qualify for CEUs and other state-specific continuing education requirements. Read through our Training FAQs to learn more.

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The Modern Sewer Solution

Resilient, secure, economically sustainable sewer infrastructure

  • Lower initial capital costs*

  • Common alternative to grinder pumps

  • Reduced wastewater treatment costs*

  • Shallow-buried systems

  • Scalable/phaseable/surgical installation

  • Documented low life-cycle costs**

  • Facilitates higher lot yields for planned communities

Each Prelos™ Processor - the heart of the system - is engineered to be watertight.

*WERF Fact Sheets C1, C2, &C3, “Performance & Cost of Decentralized Unit Processes," 2010.

**Bill Cagle, Terry Cargil, and Roger Dickinson, “20-Year Life Cycle Analysis of an Effluent Sewer (STEP) System" (paper presented at the Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference, Chicago, IL, October 2013), 14.

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Orenco's AdvanTex® Treatment Systems consistently produce clear effluent that's suitable for a variety of reuse applications (governed by local regulations).

Treating the entire waste stream is the most efficient approach to reuse. AdvanTex® Treatment Systems use natural processes to meet strict permit limits.

If you need a greywater system, AdvanTex® products can help recycle water from showers, sinks, and laundry facilities (subject to local regulations).

Orenco® Stormwater Catch Basins provide a durable, cost-effective alternative to a concrete or steel basin.
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Orenco's AdvanTex® Treatment Systems provide affordable, scalable wastewater solutions for businesses of all sizes. From campgrounds and resorts to restaurants and wineries, our technologies are used worldwide by businesses that need low-maintenance solutions to their individual wastewater needs. And our updated AdvanTex Design Criteria is an excellent resource for designers and engineers who create custom wastewater treatment systems for commercial projects.
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Orenco Sewers
Orenco Sewers collect raw sewage in a watertight, underground tank. Only filtered effluent is discharged to the treatment system.

Municipal Treatment
AdvanTex Treatment Systems use an engineered textile media and treat wastewater to meet strict permit limits.

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A Portable, Fully-Plumbed Wastewater Treatment System
For more than a decade, Orenco's AdvanTex® technology has provided a reliable, energy-efficient alternative for wastewater treatment in some of the world's most remote places. The AdvanTex AX-Mobile is Orenco's most portable treatment plant yet. Think of it as a "mini" onsite treatment facility, ready to go wherever you need it.
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Gravity Septic Solutions
On many sites, gravity can convey filtered wastewater to a drainfield, with no need for pumping.

Pumping Systems
On other sites, a pumping system conveys filtered effluent, either to a drainfield or to additional components in the system.

Advanced Treatment Systems
On difficult or environmentally sensitive sites, an advanced or secondary wastewater treatment system treats the effluent to very high levels.
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Since 1981, Orenco has been helping developers design, build, and maintain economical, reliable effluent sewers.

Orenco Sewers
Orenco Sewers collect raw sewage in a watertight, underground tank. Only filtered effluent is discharged to the treatment system.

Community Treatment
AdvanTex® Treatment Systems use an engineered textile media and treat wastewater to meet strict permit limits.
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AdvanTex® Wastewater Treatment Systems  

Orenco designs and manufactures advanced wastewater treatment products for all decentralized wastewater applications, from single homes to whole communities. Currently, more than 30,000 AdvanTex textile filter units are treating residential, commercial, and municipal wastewater, all over the world.

Orenco also offers a variety of AdvanTex Greywater Treatment Systems suitable for a wide range of flows. For example, the AdvanTex AX10-RTUV is designed for commercial and residential small-flow applications. Each AX10-RTUV is a single, complete, self-contained module that treats greywater to reuse standards before pump or gravity discharge. All AdvanTex Greywater units feature the same dependable, efficient AdvanTex textile media used in our wastewater treatment systems.

Our patented AdvanTex Treatment System is a compact and efficient recirculating packed-bed filter. Packed-bed filters have proven to be a highly reliable, energy-efficient, and low-maintenance technology. However, unlike other packed-bed filters -ones that use sand, peat, foam, or other materials for the treatment media - AdvanTex uses a lightweight, compact, and easy-to- maintain textile fabric.

AdvanTex Treatment Systems were honored by the Water Environment Federation with a 2011 "Innovative Technology Award" and by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities with a 2011 "Sustainable Community Award." Because they are such an environmentally sound product, AdvanTex Treatment Systems help developers earn LEED credits. And the Energy Trust of Oregon provides rebates for AdvanTex Treatment Systems because they are so energy-efficient.

AdvanTex Treatment Systems are also very easy to live with. They're quiet and emit minimal odors. Plus, our residential- and commercial-sized units have a very low profile, so they blend right into the landscaping.
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Composite Products  

Orenco Composites has taken the fiberglass technology developed for our wastewater markets and created high-quality, durable buildings and shelters.
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Orenco Composites manufactures everything from simple basins with plumbing and electrical penetrations to complete basins and wet wells that are plumbed and valved.
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Orenco Composites offers multiple enclosure models and sizes, from mid-sized cabinets to our larger, dual-door valve enclosures. These corrosion-resistant enclosures provide the ultimate protection for your equipment.
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Orenco Composites rectangular tanks are strong, durable vessels that can be used in a number of settings and industries.
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Orenco Composites builds hundreds of custom fiberglass components every year. We're particularly skilled at building industrial and municipal tank covers using closed-molded construction, integral foam core with insulation values from R18-R60, integrated hatches and covers, and multiple installation designs.
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Orenco Controls  

The Right Controls, Whatever Your Application
However our control panels are used, we provide our clients with a custom-engineered, plug-and-play package that's preprogrammed and easy to use. The categories below illustrate some of the ways customers are using our products. If you have a controls application beyond the categories we list here, just let us know.

  • Wastewater Systems
  • Greywater Systems
  • Water Systems
  • Industrial Processes
  • Environmental Monitoring
Our engineers can help put together the functions and features your specific application requires. We can even combine operations for multiple applications into a single control panel! Then, Orenco's Composites Division can provide a strong, durable shelter to house them.

We love a challenge and when it comes to custom controls, our prices and turnaround times are tough to beat. Contact us to find out how we can meet your needs.
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Our standard panel designs were developed during our long history of building controls for wastewater systems.
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Alarms give an audible and visual alert for detecting application limits, such as a high tank level. They can also be used as remote alarms for control panels. Alarms can be used in series to provide sequenced systems. Available options include indoor or outdoor rating, automatic or manual reset mode, and low voltage or 115 VAC operation.
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Orenco Controls engineers custom control panels with extremely high standards of quality and reliability, designed specifically to minimize production costs and time. These panels are used in a variety of applications and markets.
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TCOM Viewer is a software interface between Windows PCs and Orenco's TCOM remote telemetry control panels. The interface stores configurations for multiple sites, has a simplified "double-click to select" mouse interface for menu items, and offers new screen color choices for better visibility. Sites can be sorted by factory identification number or by operator-designated panel name.

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