RainHarvest Systems, LLC

Rainwater Harvesting & Stormwater Management

4475 Alicia Lane
Cumming, GA 30028
Toll Free: 800-654-9283
Phone: 770-889-2533
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Pre-filtration is the filtration that takes place prior to water entering the tank. These are typically gravity fed filter systems. Pre-filtration is typically the only filtration required when using the collected rainwater for irrigation.

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RainHarvest Product Expert  

Russ Jackson
General Manager – Sales
RainHarvest Systems
Direct: 678-771-0091
Email: russ@rainharvest.com

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Complete Systems  

Our complete underground rainwater collection systems include everything you need for a comprehensive rainharvesting system. Our systems include premium components that have been selected to provide optimal performance. Complete systems simplify installation with plug and play convenience.

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Our complete above ground rainwater collection systems include everything you need for a comprehensive rainharvesting system. Our systems include premium components that have been selected to provide optimal performance. Complete systems simplify installation with plug and play convenience.

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UV Disinfection Systems  

We offer several RainFlo ultraviolet disinfection systems for water treatment. RainFlo UV systems continuously monitor performance and display the output, diagnostics, system status, and water quality.


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The RainFlo complete UV disinfection systems use sediment filtration and UV disinfection to clean and disinfect water. Our complete systems continuously monitor performance and display the output, diagnostics, system status, and water quality.


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PPT Disinfection Systems  

Our Progressive Pump & Treatment systems are custom made, commercial grade disinfection, reclamation, and recirculation systems. These systems utilize UV and ozone treatment technologies to destroy bacteria, spores, and microbes, ensuring water is safe for reuse.


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UVS Disinfection Systems  

The RainFlo UVS complete systems are ideal for reclaimed water applications. Each system includes a pump, VFD, sediment filtration, UV disinfection, and system controls to deliver disinfected water at a constant pressure and variable flow rate for use in irrigation, flushing toilets, cooling towers and other uses.


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Greywater Systems  

Greywater treatment and processing systems

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Pre-filtration is the filtration that takes place prior to water entering the tank. These are typically gravity fed filter systems. Pre-filtration is typically the only filtration required when using the collected rainwater for irrigation.

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Post-filtration is the filtration that takes place after the collected rainwater has left the tank. Post-filtration systems are typically a pressurized system that filters to a much lower number of microns than typical pre-filters. Post sediment filtration and disinfection is usually required anytime the water will be used for indoor use such as flushing toilets, washing clothes, or shower usage.

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RainFlo Tank Level Monitors  

RainFlo tank level monitors display the true level of liquid inside water and chemical tanks. The monitors are designed for installation on all above ground storage tanks with vertical sides. Our tank level monitors are easy to install with the float ball and counterweight in the tank and indicator outside the tank


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Rainwater controllers manage all of the functions required in a typical residential or commercial rainwater collection system.


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Above Ground Pumps  

RainFlo water pumps are high performance multi-stage centrifugal surface pumps for residential, commercial, and light-industrial systems. RainFlo above ground pumps are specially designed for the unique requirements of rainwater collection systems while offering exceptional performance as standard booster pumps. MHPA pumps include a pump and controller for on demand usage at a constant pressure.



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Industrial Pumps  

RainFlo high performance mid-range automatic pump stations for large residential, commercial, and light-industrial rainwater collection systems.



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Submersible Pumps  

RainFlo universal pumps are specially designed for the unique requirements of rainwater collection systems. Equipped with a large threaded bottom inlet for internal flow-based cooling and connection to a floating filter, these pumps can be installed vertically or horizontally and they can either be submersed inside a tank or mounted externally on the

ground or other platform.



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Solar Powered Pumps  

The high-pressure diaphragm pump is ideal for many different applications. Its solid construction and thick casings result in extraordinarily quiet and reliable operation.



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Pump Controllers  

RainFlo pump controllers monitor flow rates and water level variables, and can control a pump in order to maintain desired levels.

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Tanks - Bolted Steel  

RainFlo steel water storage tanks feature the latest technology and materials utilizing a bolted steel outer shell with a heavy-duty liner. RainFlo corrugated steel tanks are configured with a variety of options including fill and overflow flanges, lids and hatches, ladders and stairs, anchors and more. These tanks can be assembled at the project site by trained installation professionals or sold as product only.


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Glass fused steel water tanks are comprised of enamel frit and raw steel fused together to achieve the best cohesion blending of the strength and flexibility of steel combined with the corrosion resistance of glass. Applied to both interior and exterior surfaces, glass-fused-to-steel is low maintenance and withstands harsh environments. Our glass fused steel tanks are designed to exceed AWWA D103- 09 standards and meet NFPA 22 standards for private fire protection.

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Tanks - FRP  

The fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) water tanks are designed with the highest level of opacity ensuring no light transmittance into the tank, thus preventing chlorine evaporation, bacterial and algae growth. Modular FRP panels are combined to create tanks that offer accurate dimensional stability for reliability and performance.





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RainFlo single wall, underground, fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) storage tanks set the standard for custom designed and made-to-order storage tank solutions for the rainwater, stormwater, fire suppression, potable water storage, and water reuse industries. Each tank is designed and fabricated to meet specific project needs by our team of water storage solution professionals. Our factory designed and engineered tank anchoring systems ensure RainFlo FRP tanks can be buried in any environment, including high water table applications.  

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Tanks - Plastic  

Groundwater stable cisterns are capable of being buried in areas where the groundwater table may rise above the tank burial depth. In most cases, these  tanks can be submerged up to the top of the tank. These tanks are manufactured using ultra-high strength materials and designs which can withstand higher than normal burial pressures.





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Underground cisterns are widely used for the collection and storage of rainwater in addition to the storage of well water, air conditioning condensate, cooling tower make-up, fire protection reserves and manufacturing process water systems.


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High quality GRAF Carat S underground rainwater harvesting tanks have been tested and certified by IAPMO R&T (International Association of Plumbing & Mechanical Officials Research and Testing) to Standard Z1002 as determined by Los Angeles Research Report (LARR) 5755.

The Carat S lineup consists of four modular tank units ranging from 700 gallons to 1700 gallons which are expandable up to thousands of gallons. The precision, modular, and ultra-high strength design of the Carat S makes it the choice of professionals worldwide.

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Above ground water storage tanks are widely used for the collection and storage of rainwater in addition to the storage of well water, air conditioning condensate, cooling tower make-up, fire protection reserves and manufacturing process water systems.


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RainFlo above ground open top water tanks are ideal storage solutions that are simple to use and maintain. Open top tanks feature removable tops for easy installation, access, and maintenance. Stackable models reduce shipping costs.

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Underground cisterns are widely used for the collection and storage of rainwater in addition to the storage of well water, air conditioning condensate, cooling tower make-up, fire protection reserves and manufacturing process. Low profile design allows for shallow excavations.


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Modular water storage systems feature unlimited storage capacity, open channels for inspection cameras and cleaning, flexible design options, ease of inspection and optional integrated filtration shafts. Available in multiple designs to accommodate variable surface load requirements.


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