
Wood Fiber Insulation

1 Main St. P. O. Box 119
Madison, ME 04950
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Carbon-Negative Insulation Board
TimberBoard rigid board insulation protects homeowners with strong, sustainable wall insulation, floor insulation, roofing insulation, and continuous exterior insulation that stands strong against the harshest elements.

Safe for installers and homeowners to handle and install, wood fiber board insulation has been perfected in Europe for over 20 years. TimberHP compresses pure softwood chips–leftover from sustainably harvested, FSC-certified Maine timber —  with PMDI and Paraffin to create renewable, fire resistant insulation board with a stable R-value per inch.


  • Exterior continuous insulation

  • Interior insulation for walls, floors, and ceilings

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Product Available Spring 2023

TimberFil™l offers exceptional and debris-free installs contractors appreciate, using the same machines and methods familiar to all fiber applications. Attic applications resist wind washing, and full-fill wall applications eliminate convective loops. Closed cavity applications can be installed at lower densities without risk of settling, resulting in cost and time savings, as well as exceptional sound and airflow reductions. 


  • Dense pack cavity insulation in stud walls and between rafters and joists

  • Loose fill blanket insulation for attics

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Product Available Summer 2023

TimberBatt™ is a flexible, press-fit cavity insulation composed of refined wood fiber with added binders and flame retardant. Its dense, high R-value per inch helps achieve Grade I installations. It outperforms other batt products as a safe, convenient, thermal and acoustic solution. TimberBatt can increase room comfort by buffering and managing indoor humidity as well as unwanted moisture accumulation within walls. 


  • Thermal cavity insulation

  • Acoustic insulation for interior spaces and demising walls

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