Chicago Bullet Proof Systems CAD DetailsSearch using keywords: mercantile storage assemblies
STW - Bullet Resistant Standard Transaction Window
SVL - Bullet Resistant Standard Vision Window
SLDTW - Bullet Resistant Sliding Transaction Window
SLDVL - Bullet Resistant Sliding Vision Window
NTW - Bullet Resistant Narrow Profile Transaction Window
NVL - Bullet Resistant Narrow Profile Vision Window
CTW - Bullet Resistant Clamp-on Transaction Window
CVL - Bullet Resistant Clamp-on Vision Window
CV2016 - Bullet Resistant Clamp-on Drive-up, Observation Window
DR - Bullet Resistant Door and Frame
DRWV - Bullet Resistant Wood Veneer Door and Frame
DL - Dual Bullet and Fire Resistant Door and Frame
DT - Detention Door and Frame
PP - Bullet Resistant Package Passer
PPVP - Bullet Resistant Package Passer, Vision Panel
MCPT2014 - Bullet Resistant Money Cart Pass Thru
GP3 INFO - Bullet Resistant Gun-Port
GP4 INFO - Bullet Resistant Gun-Port, Wall Mount