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containment pallets BIM:

ARCAT Revit families / BIM objects - Architectural Building Information Modeling (BIM) objects / families / system files, free to download in revit or dwg formats for use with all major BIM and CAD software including AutoCAD, Sketch-Up, ArchiCAD and others. Formats: RFA / RVT - Revit Families / Systems, SKP - SketchUp, DWG / IFC / GLB - all other software. By downloading and using any ARCAT content you agree to the following [license agreement].

Wheelchair Lifts: Clarity: 16C Shaftway Same Side

Wheelchair Lifts: Clarity: 16D Enclosed Same Side

Wheelchair Lifts: Clarity: 16E

Wheelchair Lifts: Clarity: 16E Enclosed Straight Through

Underground Drainage, Containment and Storm Water Retention

Recycling Waste Bins: Aristata: Single Full

Recycling Waste Bins: Aristata: Double Full

Recycling Waste Bins: Aristata: Double Mixed/Full

Recycling Waste Bins: Aristata: Double Circle/Full


Trench Drains: Adapters: Plate A L

Trench Drains: Adapters: Plate B L

Trench Drains: Adapters: Plate C L

Automatic Doorway Spill Barrier

Drainage and Containment: Catch Basins: AlfaSlot

Drainage and Containment: Catch Basins: EconoDrain

Drainage and Containment: Catch Basins: EconoDrain-Inline

Drainage and Containment: Drain Grates: AlfaChannel

Storage Tanks: Petroleum Tanks: Multi Compartment

Storage Tanks: Petroleum Tanks: Underground Diesel Exhaust Fluid

Storage Tanks: Petroleum Tanks: Underground Oil Water Separator

Storage Tanks: Petroleum Tanks: Underground Standard Fuel

Top Feed Kit

Dumpster: Generic 8 Yards

Storage: Shipping Container
