Xypex Chemical Corp.

Waterproofing Coatings

13731 Mayfield Pl.
Richmond, BC, Canada V6V 2G9
Toll Free: 800-961-4477
Phone: 604-273-5265
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Concrete Waterproofing with Crystalline Technology

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Crystalline concrete technology eliminates the need for separate membranes.


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Crystalline chemicals improve concrete durability, lower maintenance costs, and extend building life cycles 

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The most chemically active product within the Xypex Crystalline Waterproofing System. When mixed with water, this light grey powder is applied as a cementitious slurry coat to above-grade or below-grade concrete, either as a single coat or as the first of a two-coat application.

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Xypex Concentrate Data Sheet

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Applied as a second coat to reinforce Xypex Concentrate, or applied by itself to dampproof the exterior of foundation walls.

Xypex Modified Data Sheet

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Dry Shake  

Sprinkled in powder form on fresh horizontal concrete, DS-1 and DS-2are power troweled into the surface during the finishing process. DS-2 is incorporated as a synthetic floor hardener for increased abrasion resistance.

DS1 Data Sheet
DS2 Data Sheet

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Xypex Bio-San C500 is a unique way of protecting concrete in harsh sewage conditions with high levels of hydrogen sulphide that cause microbial induced corrosion. No other admixture combines potent antimicrobial properties with Xypex crystalline waterproofing technology to offer complete protection of concrete sewer and wastewater structures.

Bio-San C500 Data Sheet

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Added to the concrete mix at the time of batching, Xypex Admix waterproofs and enhances the chemical resistance of concrete structures against aggressive agents.

C-500 Data Sheet
C-1000 Data Sheet
C-2000 Data Sheet

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Fast setting cement for patching or plugging of tie holes, cracks and other small defects in concrete structures.

Patch'n Plug Data Sheet

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XYPEX Megamix I is a thin parge coat for the waterproofing and resurfacing of vertical masonry or concrete surfaces, as a cap coat for XYPEX Concentrate, or as an architectural rendering..

Megamix I Data Sheet

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XYPEX Megamix II is a thick repair mortar for the patching and resurfacing of deteriorated concrete. Megamix II has been specifically formulated to produce superior bond, low shrinkage, chemical durability and high strength. Can be spray or trowel applied.

Megamix II Data Sheet

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Formulated for the repair and rehabilitation of concrete slabs. Restoratop products consist of specially modified Portland cement, aggregates, admixtures and bonding agents.

Restoratop 50 Data Sheet
Restoratop 100 Data Sheet
Restoratop 200 Data Sheet

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FCM 80 is specifically designed for repairing cracks subject to movement, sealing construction joints, restoring deteriorated concrete, and waterproofing concrete structures. FCM 80 has exceptional adhesive and elongation characteristics and is often used in conjunction with the Xypex Crystalline Concrete Waterproofing and Protection System. FCM is a two component product consisting of a specialized liquid polymer dispersion and a cementitious powder. These components are mixed just prior to application.

Xypex FCM 80 Data Sheet

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A water-based, high solids, polymer dispersion specially designed for strengthening Portland cement compositions. Xycrylic-Admix can be used with Xypex Patch 'n Plug to improve bonding and curing characteristics.

Xycrylic Admix Data Sheet

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A curing agent designed specifically for Xypex Concentrate and Modified applications. The use of Gamma Cure may eliminate the need for water curing the Xypex coating in some cases. Consult manufacturer for specific recommendation.

Gamma Cure Data Sheet

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Quickset provides superior hardening and a dustproof finish.

Xypex Quickset Data Sheet

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Project Types  

Xypex Crystalline Technology has been used in bridge structures to waterproof, protect, enhance the durability of concrete subject to water and chloride attack. Xypex is a respected partner in extending the service life of bridges.
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Xypex has an extensive track record in waterproofing and protecting buildings foundations- from single unit housing to high-rise structures.
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Xypex Crystalline Waterproofing has been used in marine structures to waterproof, protect, repair and enhance durability of concrete subject to water and chloride attack.
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Concrete power and utility structures have used Xypex to waterproof, protect and enhance their durability to attack by water and chemicals.
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In Cut and Cover, Bored and Immersed Tube Tunnels, Xypex is recognized as a key supplier to the tunneling industry. For cast or pre-cast concrete and shotcrete, Xypex™s non-toxic Crystalline Waterproofing Technology protects tunnels all over the world.
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Xypex Crystalline Waterproofing Technology has been proven in rehabilitated as well as new sewer and wastewater treatment structures. It is considered the best at handling chemical attack in severe biochemical conditions and resisting water infiltration under extreme hydrostatic pressure.
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Xypex has been used in new construction and rehabilitation of water structures all over the world. Xypex Crystalline Waterproofing provides resistance to extreme hydrostatic pressure, chemical attack, and protects the integrity of concrete in holding tanks of water treatment plants.
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Case Studies  

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Around the world, from subway stations to swimming pools; from bridge structures to every kind of foundation; from power stations to water treatment plants, and much more, it’s a long, exciting, and constantly evolving list.

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