US Heritage Group, Inc.

Custom Mortar Repair and Restoration Products

10248 Franklin Ave.
Franklin Park, IL 60131
Phone: 773-286-2100
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Lime and gauging (gypsum) finish plasters were commonly used during the early to mid twentieth century. While convenient and strong, gypsum does not expand and contract to the same degree as pure lime causing failures that make it incompatible with pure lime based plasters. Our product formulation, based on historic plaster research and material analysis, offers outstanding skim coat plaster performance for fine interior finish work over traditional lime plasters. Weight: 49 lbs

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US Heritage Group, Inc. can assist you by finding or manufacturing the right mortar, lime putty or stone restoration product. Our custom mortar matching and laboratory services are specifically set up to handle heritage mortars and restoration samples. We also offer consulting services to specifiers and installers who work on everything from traditional masonry preservation projects to sustainable new design.


Bedding And Pointing Mortars  

Suitable for all historic masonry structures without hydraulic binders originally present

Heritage High Lime Hydrate Mortar – Type O is an engineered factory-blended pointing (tuckpointing) and bedding mortar, designed to match the performance characteristics of transition period lime-cement mortar mixes, that facilitates safe repairs of bedding mortar for solid load-bearing masonry buildings originally constructed with portland cement. This product may be used for pointing but Lime Putty Mortar Type O or Hydraulic Lime Mortar should be used for maximum durability when pointing in areas subject to freeze-thaw cycles or in masonry elements subjected to extreme exposure. Weight: 40 lbs

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Suitable for all historic masonry structures without hydraulic binders originally present

Heritage Lime Putty Mortar – Type N is an engineered factory blended pointing (tuckpointing) and bedding mortar, designed to match the performance characteristics of traditional lime-cement mortar mixes, that facilitates safe and durable repairs of bedding and pointing mortar for solid load-bearing masonry buildings originally constructed with portland cement. Weight: 52 lbs

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Suitable for all historic masonry structures without hydraulic binders originally present

Hydraulic Lime Mortar is a breathable restoration mortar that is typically used for historic masonry that must tolerate extreme weather and/or persistently damp conditions. Like Portland cement-based mortars the primary chemical curing reaction is rapid and hydraulic. This means it sets quickly, even in damp environments. Unlike Portland cement-based mortars, which can be extremely rigid and brittle, natural hydraulic lime mortar has a low modulus of elasticity. This makes the mortar flexible, absorbing natural movement in masonry walls to resist damage to masonry units during adverse conditions. Weight: 40 lbs

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Suitable for all historic masonry structures without hydraulic binders originally present

Type N mortar is a formulation that has been widely used by craftsmen and specified by architects during the modern period (after 1931). The formulation is a factory produced blend of hydrated lime, portland cement, and sand that is proportioned to provide an even life-cycle performance for modern masonry construction applications. All mortar ingredients are carefully manufactured by weight to meet applicable ASTM C270 Standards. Heritage Cement/Lime Mortar complies with ASTM C270 Standard Specification for Mortar for Unit Masonry, Proportion Specification. Weight: 40 lbs

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Suitable for all historic masonry structures without hydraulic binders originally present

This restoration mortar consists of slaked lime putty with an enclosed portland cement pouch that is added onsite. This specialty mortar is breathable and flexible, and it protects friable masonry units from moisture and freeze-thaw damage. Weight: 51 lbs

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Suitable for all historic masonry structures without hydraulic binders originally present

This restoration mortar formulation contains no Portland cement. Portland cement was not made in the United States until the early 1870′s and is generally not recommended for early American masonry. Portland cement-based mortars tend to be impermeable, which can lead to serious damage in historic masonry walls that rely on permeable mortar to wick water out of the wall system. Mortar joints historically provided allowance for wall movement. Lime putty mortar has a low modulus of elasticity which permits the wall to expand and contract without causing the cracking and spalling that is often seen when a modern high-strength mortar is installed in a historic structure. Lime putty mortar also exhibits extensive autogenous healing, a phenomenon unique to high lime mortars, which heals microcracks that form during stress by stitching the mortar back together naturally with free lime particles in the mortar. Weight: 49 lbs

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Lime Plaster and Lime Stucco  

Brown and scratch coat fibers require fiber reinforcement to resist cracking in tension. Historically animal hair or bast (plant) fibers were used depending on what was readily available. The material properties of hemp fiber made it an excellent fiber for plaster reinforcement as documented in reference material from the period. Hemp fiber of high grade, processed and cut to appropriate length, is now available from US Heritage Group. Technical Datasheets are coming soon! Meanwhile we encourage you to contact us for project-specific technical advice, product selection or to place an order. Weight: 10 lbs

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This product is a traditional material made from 100% all-natural ingredients, and it is breathable and flexible. Hydraulic lime is distinguished from non-hydraulic lime by its ability to cure in damp/wet conditions. It is suitable for historic masonry that may be exposed to high moisture levels or extreme conditions, and it is also recommended for sustainable new-build projects and strawbale construction that relies on breathable, all-natural construction materials. Heritage Natural Hydraulic Lime Stucco/Plaster is a dry material with aggregate pre blended into the product. The product is applied in three coats: a scratch coat, a brown coat and a skim coat. This product is ready to use; just add water and mix at the site before applying the stucco. Weight: 40 lbs

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Lime and gauging (gypsum) finish plasters were commonly used during the early to mid twentieth century. While convenient and strong, gypsum does not expand and contract to the same degree as pure lime causing failures that make it incompatible with pure lime based plasters. Our product formulation, based on historic plaster research and material analysis, offers outstanding skim coat plaster performance for fine interior finish work over traditional lime plasters. Weight: 49 lbs

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Limewash and Shelter Coat  

Heritage shelter coat is most commonly used as a protective coating to masonry substrates that are in danger of damage or decay if not covered with a consolidation material. By applying a breathable protective coat, the substrate is able to continue its normal function without risking the damaging effects of waterproofing or sealing agents. The shelter coat will act as a sacrificial protective coating that can be built up and reapplied as needed through the life of the building.

Heritage Shelter Coat is used to change the texture of new or original masonry, or when a greater level of protection is required for highly damaged and friable brick and stone. Shelter Coat maintains the permeability of Limewash while providing a thicker application for greater protection and durability. The material can also be used to coat and texture cast concrete to give it the appearance of natural stone. The material comes in 24 traditional colors and can be custom matched to almost any color. Weight: 49 lb

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Limewash is a traditional material that has been used for thousands of years. Unlike modern paints, which lay on the surface of the substrate, limewash instead acts like a stain by penetrating deep into the pores of the underlying material. This process creates a peel-free, breathable surface, and the limewash remains vapor permeable after it cures. Suitable for unpainted wood, plaster, and masonry. Limewash acts as a stain, so the substrate must be porous to ensure a successful application. We recommend a minimum of 2-3 coats for best results. Recommended for historic buildings, friable masonry, and sustainable new design. Limewash is a breathable material that is suitable for historic brick, stone, plaster, and stucco, and it protects fragile or damaged masonry from weathering further. Limewash is a beautiful, traditional exterior material that mellows while it ages and over time develops the weathered patina that characterizes the Old-World charm of Europe. We blend our Old-World European Limewash with slaked lime putty, which ensures that the lime particles are extremely fine and can absorb into even the finest substrate. Our limewash is all-natural, non-toxic and available in 24 traditional colorsWeight: 12 lbs

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Lime Binders  

Lime putty suitable for building can only be made by slaking which must start by reacting soft-burnt high calcium quicklime (not hydrated lime) with an excess amount of water. Our lime putty is slaked from fresh soft-burnt high calcium quicklime, screened and then aged for a minimum of three months. This produces a product that is suitable for brick and stone mortar as well as fine plaster work. Three years of slaked lime putty aging takes place to produce finer lime putty with better coverage and performance for our Old World European Limewash. Slaked Lime Putty for Frescoes is aged for ten years. The aging process ensures that the lime particles are extremely fine, making this product the ideal choice for conservation work on frescoes. Made from non-hydraulic high calcium limestone with a 98% purity rating. Our slaked lime putty products meet and/or exceed ASTM C1489 – Standard Specification for Lime Putty for Structural Purposes. Heritage Pure Lime Putty ingredients also meet or exceed ASTM C5 – Standard Specification for Quicklime for Structural Purposes. Weight: 36 lbs 

Beware of “lime putty" products that do not meet ASTM C5 as they are most likely made from dry hydrated lime meaning they can be soaked but cannot be slaked. Dry hydrated lime is a plasticizer not a binder. No length of time soaking dry hydrated lime in water will ever produce an appropriate binder.

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Natural hydraulic lime is a traditional building material that was widely used in Europe prior to the development of portland cement. Moderately hydraulic lime (NHL 3.5) is recommended for most historic structures that are exposed to extreme conditions and/or high moisture levels. All-natural, flexible and permeable, natural hydraulic lime is an excellent choice for straw bale construction and sustainable new design projects. Weight: 55 lbs

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Lime putty suitable for building can only be made by slaking which must start by reacting soft-burnt high calcium quicklime (not hydrated lime) with an excess amount of water. Our lime putty is slaked from fresh soft-burnt high calcium quicklime, screened and then aged for a minimum of three months. This produces a product that is suitable for brick and stone mortar as well as fine plaster work. Three years of slaked lime putty aging takes place to produce finer lime putty with better coverage and performance for our Old World European Limewash. Slaked Lime Putty for Frescoes is aged for ten years. The aging process ensures that the lime particles are extremely fine, making this product the ideal choice for conservation work on frescoes. Made from non-hydraulic high calcium limestone with a 98% purity rating. Our slaked lime putty products meet and/or exceed ASTM C1489 – Standard Specification for Lime Putty for Structural Purposes. Heritage Pure Lime Putty ingredients also meet or exceed ASTM C5 – Standard Specification for Quicklime for Structural Purposes. Weight: 36 lbs 

Beware of “lime putty" products that do not meet ASTM C5 as they are most likely made from dry hydrated lime meaning they can be soaked but cannot be slaked. Dry hydrated lime is a plasticizer not a binder. No length of time soaking dry hydrated lime in water will ever produce an appropriate binder.

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Concrete, Terra Cotta and Stone Repair Mortars  

Dispersed Hydrate Lime Spachtel is an engineered repair mortar designed for the repair of nonstructural cracks and voids in stone or masonry units. DHL Spachtel is mineral-based, single component material that does not require mixing with any other additives, including water. Formulated using only natural mineral binders, DHL Spachtel exhibits excellent UV, freeze-thaw and salt resistance while maintaining flexibility and vapor permeability. Weight: 13 lbs

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CCS60 is an engineered repair mortar designed specifically to match the characteristics of concrete and cast stone that facilitates fast, easy and extremely durable repairs with excellent visual match. Mineral-based, single component and cementitous, CCS60 is mixed only with water. No synthetic polymer additives are added. Formulated using only natural mineral binders, CCS60 exhibits excellent UV, freeze-thaw and salt resistance while maintaining flexibility and vapor permeability. Weight: 49 lbs

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Made in Germany, DHL-IM is free-flowing, deep penetrating, and has excellent bond strength. It is specially formulated for injection into cracks using a syringe, and it is notable for its workability, low degree of shrinkage, and strong adhesive capabilities. Unlike epoxy treatments, which are harder than the stone itself, DHL-IM offers compatibility with the substrate so it will not damage the surrounding stone during expansion and contraction. The product is very easy to use and can be diluted with water at the job site in order to adjust for the required depth of penetration needed for the repair.
Ideal for repair hairline cracks in stone, brick, sculptures, and frescoes. Weight: 13 lbs

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GB15 is a natural repair mortar specifically formulated for the patching and restoration of granite and bluestone in heavy traffic areas, window sills, steps and surface areas. GB15 can be used to repair small chips and spalls. GB15 is a mineral-based, single component product that is mixed with water. It is formulated using only natural binders; no synthetic polymers or additives are used. GB15 has excellent freeze-thaw and salt resistance. It is vapor permeable. Weight: 48 lbs

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HL60 is a natural repair mortar specifically formulated for the patching and restoration of limestone. Designed to decrease significantly the time required to complete stone repairs, HL60 can be ready for sculpting in 3 hours at room temperature. HL60 is a mineral-based, single component product that is mixed with water. It is formulated using only natural binders; no synthetic polymers or additives are used. HL60 has excellent freeze-thaw and salt resistance. It is vapor permeable. Skilled masons can easily apply HL60; no special certification is required. Weight: 48 lbs

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IG10 is a cement based, high performance, injection grout designed to stabilize and repair historic masonry and concrete. The material is formulated to be injected into cracks ranging from 1/16″ to 1/4″ (1.5 to 5 mm). IG10 is a non-shrink grout with excellent bond strength. IG10 is a cement based, single component product that is mixed with water. It is formulated using specialty cement; no synthetic polymers or additives are used. Skilled masons can easily use IG10; no special certification is required. Weight: 48 lbs

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MT15 is a natural repair mortar specifically formulated for the patching and restoration of marble and travertine in traffic areas, window sills and steps. MT15 can be used to repair small chips and spalls. MT15 is a mineral-based, single component product that is mixed with water. It is formulated using only natural binders; no synthetic polymers or additives are used. MT15 has excellent freeze-thaw and salt resistance. It is vapor permeable. Skilled masons can easily apply MT15; no special certification is required. Weight: 48 lbs

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HS60 is a natural repair mortar specifically formulated for the patching and restoration of sandstone. Designed to repair any surface areas of sandstone including traffic areas, window sills, steps and any surface area at least 1/4″ in depth. HS60 is a mineral-based, single component product that is mixed with water. It is formulated using only natural binders; no synthetic polymers or additives are used. HS60 has excellent freeze-thaw and salt resistance. It is vapor permeable. Weight: 48 lbs

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TB15 is a natural repair mortar specifically formulated for the patching and restoration of terracotta and brick. TB15 can be used to repair small chips and spalls in terra cotta and brick. TB15 is a mineral-based, single component product that is mixed with water. It is formulated using only natural binders; no synthetic polymers or additives are used. TB15 has excellent freeze-thaw and salt resistance. It is vapor permeable. TB15 is specially formulated to set quickly, and repair surfaces of terra cotta and brick. Weight: 48 lbs

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Where can I buy your products in my area?

US Heritage Group ships all our products directly from our factory in Chicago, Illinois. We can arrange shipping to anywhere in the United States, as well as Canada, Mexico, and other international locations.

US Heritage Group provides a standard 1 year warranty against material defects for all our products.

Shipping info
Shipping time depends on your location, but typical UPS shipments take 1-4 business days, while LTL freight service typically takes 2-7 business days. Estimated shipping times can be provided at the time of purchase, and expedited shipping is available upon request.

Return Policy
Standard products can be returned within 30 days of purchase for refund minus a 20% restocking fee. Returned products must be inspected for damage before a refund is issued. Custom products or standard products blended with color cannot be returned.

Where do I send sample material to be analyzed?
Samples should be mailed to:
US Heritage Group
2900 N. Kearsarge Ave.
Chicago, IL 60641
Be sure to include a completed matching request form and contact information with your samples.

What is current lead time on material?
Lead time depends on the type and quantity of material ordered. Stock materials and small orders can typically be shipped within a few days, while larger orders can take 1-2 weeks to ship. Lead time estimates are provided at the time an order is placed.

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For over 20 years US Heritage Group has been focused on the development and manufacture of the highest quality masonry material solutions available in support of historic and non – historic restoration projects across North America. Though often overlooked, the long – term results of entire restoration projects are heavily dependent upon deep understanding of the relationship between building envelope design, operating environment, masonry materials, and people involved in the project.
US Heritage Group delivers project value through products and services based on a process – oriented approach that is engineered optimize assurance of quality, consistency and repeatability of outstanding results.

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